
Monday, January 31, 2011

twenty two days.

the disappointment in myself has reached a high.
when i was at young life leadership last Sunday (exciting news to come) i was telling something about myself, i said that i "looooooved to blog," and now realized that when i said that i hadn't blogged in a week or a week after. it's quite sad actually.
so, i'm going to do one of these "30 day challenges," but we'll make it 22 days.

Day 01 - A picture of yourself with ten facts
Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest
Day 03 - a picture of your favorite movie
Day 04 - A picture of someone who inspires you
Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory
Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day
Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item
Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh
Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most
Day 10 – A picture that can always make you smile
Day 11 - A picture of something you hate
Day 12 - A picture of something you love
Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist
Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without
Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die
Day 16 - A picture of your night
Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
Day 18 – A picture of your favorite book
Day 19 – A picture of someone you miss
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel
Day 21 – A picture of yourself and a family member
Day 22 - A picture of something that means a lot to you

day uno; a picture of yourself with ten facts.

1. i eat two bowls of frosted flakes a day. one for breakfast, one before i go to bed.
2. i could watch the movie "second hand lions," over and over and over.
3. i pack two honey buns in my book bag every day before school. oink oink.
4. i could eat pasta allll the time. it's my favorite.
5. i'm addicted to watching csi and pretty little liars.
6. i use to be quiet until i got to know it's the complete opposite. i'm very outgoing.
7. skeet shooting is love.
8. young life is a HUGE part of my life. i love every bit of it and my fellow leaders have become a second family.
9. i love doing laundry. no joke.
10. God, family, and friends are my backbone.

doo-whop and hooligans.

well hey blogger. long time no see.

recap of this weekend? ditto.

have you ever woke up and had a craving for a tall vanilla bean frappuccino, and some extra dough in your pocket? i did!
so i did my chores, ate my ramen noodles, updated the tunes, jumped in the car, and headed to big 'ole Winston.
two HUGE bags full of my old clothes that have been adding up for the past couple of years took up my whole back seat, and i was trucking to Plato's closet, where they so nicely look through you're clothes and pick items to re-sell in their store, and PAY you for your old clothes that they decide to take.  Sound dreamy to me.

so i lugged my two huge bags in the store and they looked through my clothes as i shopped in their store.  let me tell you, i fell in love with their shoes. the fact that someone else's feet had been in them kinda grossed me out, but i loved them. and i fell in love with these...
except blue.
yes, yes, yes i know. when i told jay about how they were "Jordans," the first thing he said was "gangster." pretty much sums it up.  

when they called me up to get my "loads of dough that i get to put in my pocket," i was beyond thrilled to hear that out of my two huge bags of clothes they only picked 3 items that came to a refund amount of $7.75. yes, $7.75. note the sarcasm 

to turn around my dough disappointment my best friend surprised me in winston by coming home from college, ate some chic-fal-a,  and bowled a wonderful score of 39.

-loads and loads of laundry.
-lots of laziness.
nothing is better than a good looking ashton kutcher and a hilarious movie.

if you haven't seen it, i recommend it!

if you live in the 336, you know that today was possibly the best day of the year so far.
maybe because i wore shorts and a t.shirt all day, on January 30th, yesssss.

a day of being at the river, riding the four wheeler, and being able to feel like you don't have to wear socks for a change was positively nice.

happy monday!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

garlic and lemonade..never, ever.

you know what the best thing about going back to school after Christmas break is?
having another week (minus one day) off, due to fabulous snow. its grand.
surri, cutie.
so due to the lack of school and activities, i went sledding, watched too many episodes of CSI and The Cosby Show, and made my favorite snack too many times to count. exhibit a-
Ramen noodles with Garlic Powder.
(yes, it sounds gross, but trust me)

uno. cook these bad boys in a pot.
(the flavor doesn't matter, it isn't added)

dos. drain all the water out
(just like "mini" spaghetti if you haven't noticed)

tres. right after you drain the water, add to a bowl and immediately put butter on your noodles, so it will melt into the noodles and taste divine.  

cuatro.  you take this...
and sprinkle it onto your now buttery noodles.

I absolutely love garlic, so i find it amazing, and eat this constantly.
give it a try :)
oh, and do NOT eat garlic powder with lemonade. it burns. someone would know.

and speaking of ramen noodles, i received this text message from my mother this afternoon...

"I got u a 12 pack box of Ramen noodles and 3 boxes of honey buns!!"

i started dying laughing, my own mother must have noticed my addiction to honey buns and ramen noodles.
or maybe it was because at 10 o'clock the other night, i gave a huuge sigh when i opened the pantry and whined about how there weren't anymore ramen noodles. yeah, that could be it.

happy thursday!

Friday, January 7, 2011

to the mountaineer.

January third, I felt like the biggest baby on the planet.  It was the "last" day i was going to see my best friend Marcie Gale before she moved off to Appalachian State to "further her education," blah, blah, whatever you call it these days.  Don't get me wrong, that is absolutely awesome and amazing and i'm happy for her x912365. my eyes, she was leaving me here to rot in this small town with out a best friend here to go eat hot fudge cakes or to go watch disney movies with. 
yes, i was being over dramatic.
yes, i knew she would come home during some weekends and during holidays.
and yes, i knew i'd most likely be up there to see her every other weekend.
but my best friend was leaving, and i was upset.

so as a "maybe if i make you this, you'll feel sorry for me and not leave me," present (only kidding, but seriously) i made her this...

 and wrote her a two page letter,  while listening to "yellow," by coldplay, and cried.

and during the process she called me and we talked about how in a few hours we were going to say bye to each other, and we had to hang up before we both started crying.

i mean seriously, you would think that we were moving to opposite sides of the world, but no...only two hours away. true best friend love right there.

yes, it's four days later, and i can't waitttt till she comes home. hope she realizes i'm not leaving her side.

i love you marcie gale, thank you for everything. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

adiós twenty ten

in the year 2010 I... 

became a legal adult.
attended my senior prom.
finished the 49th edition of the east wind, with an amazing yearbook staff.
walked across "the" stage, with a diploma in hand.
bought my first scratch off ticket, and won $3.
watched all of my friends move off to multiple colleges.
became a freshman in college.
read two books in two days.
gained a greater love for Chris Brown, Jason Mraz, and John Mayer.
became the mother of a beautiful black lab, kye.
found a love for skeet shooting.
realized that i do in fact, want to live in a big city during my life time.
experienced my first broken heart.
ate a whole box of honey buns in a 12 hour period.
gained a new best friend.
figured out what i want to be when i grow up.
realized i'm addicted to facebook.
had two of my best friends get engaged.

I know God has an amazing 2011 planned for me, i'm so excited.

just a few selected recaps..